km engineering

Project brief

redesigning km engineering's site to attract employees

KM Engineering is a civil engineering firm based in Boise, Idaho. They asked Rizen to redesign their website with a more user-friendly way to update content. Additionally, we were tasked with better capturing their culture through original photography, personality, and ease of use.


Our process focused on gathering insights from their team on existing clients, current employees, and potential new employees. We discovered that their company culture stood apart as a key element of importance to recruitment. Showcasing the work to show the depth of the firm’s work capabilities was a strong second. Unique photography was critical to the success on both fronts.


Rizen partnered with local photographer Chad Case to shoot unique custom photography throughout the site. Subtle interactive elements were used to enhance both the user experience while using a more personal tone with the site’s copy and custom photography capturing the firm’s personality and culture. The result: beautiful full-page imagery meant to attract and inspire users and new clients while putting KM Engineering out in front of their competition.

brand & identity
website design & development
video & motion design
social & display advertising
apparel & merchandise design
experiential design & signage
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